Science Research Innovation
SRI Strategy
- Investing in Australian public research and development: problems, opportunities and challenges.
- The intersection between innovation strategy and industrial strategy.
- Extending the role of social sciences and humanities in SRI strategy.
- Best practice approaches for Research Commercialisation.
Significant Projects
- Investing in Australian public research and development: problems, challenges, and opportunities, Howard Partners (in progress).
- The Challenges for Australian Research and Innovation, UTS Occasional Paper, UTS and Howard Partners, 2020.
See Portfolio
Higher Education
- Outlooks for the structure, financing, and operations of Australia’s higher education system.
- Collaboration and cooperation between higher education and business.
- Developing “institutions for engagement” in university, business, government, and community relations.
Significant Projects
- Rethinking Australia’s higher education system: towards a diversified system for the 21st century, with Preface by Professor Glyn Davis, Howard Partners, 2021.
See Portfolio
Innovation Systems
- Innovation system and ecosystem policies, strategies, and governance models.
- Regional Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3).
- The role of intermediaries in support of innovation.
- Knowledge exchange networks.
Significant Projects
- Australia’s Rural Innovation Future: Performance Review of The Rural Innovation System for the Rural Industries Research and Innovation Committee of the Primary Industry Ministers Council, 2018.
See Portfolio
Capacity and Capability
- Developing R&D workforce capacity and capability.
- Capabilities for Australian enterprise innovation.
- Building ingenuity and initiatives in innovation.
Significant Projects
- Capabilities for Australian enterprise innovation: The role of government, industry and education and research institutions in developing innovation capabilities, Securing Australia’s Future project, ACOLA, 2016.
See Portfolio